Our Milestones


JKR entered into a technology transfer agreement with Ansell Global for a process of regenerating a chemical that is contaminated during the rubber glove manufacturing process.


JKR signed a license agreement with OREL Group to incorporate JKR’s antibacterial thermoplastic additive technology, trademarked as GermslayTM, into a range of antibacterial switches under the Orange Electric brand.


JKR entered into its first technology License agreement with 4ever Skin Naturals (PVT) Ltd to commercialize JKR’ s proprietary SilmeticTM technology. The technology will be exclusively utilized by 4EVER to develop a range of antibacterial skin care products.


JKR completed the development of a natural rubber-graphite composite with enhanced thermal conductivity and a shorter curing time with potential for use in products such as solid rubber tires.
Designed and fabricated a multispectral camera, which complements its existing drone and artificial intelligence-based multispectral image analysis project on inspecting infrastructure.


JKR was selected to participate in a project titled “Enabling IP Environment” conducted by WIPO; the only private sector-based research group to be selected to participate in this programme, globally


JKR filed for its first patent in India for the developed novel composite nanomaterial which could be used in energy storage in collaboration with the National Metallurgical Lab of the Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR-NML) in India.
JKR filed a patent application in Taiwan and a Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT) application, which permits patent protection internationally.


The article titled “Whole genome sequencing and analysis of Godawee, a salt tolerant indica rice variety”, was published in the Journal of Rice Research.


JKR partnered with the University of Maine, USA to develop reinforcing fibers using agricultural waste


The entire genome of “Goda Vee”, a rice variety was sequenced by The Human Genetics Unit of University of Colombo and JKR


John Keells Research (JKR), the research and development arm of the Group was established.